I forgot to mention that Friday (after my fun visit to the dentist's office), we had the Smiths over to play in the pool. It was a really nice, sunny day and we figured that the temperatures would be getting cooler and soon we wouldn't be able to play outside in the water.
So we took advantage of the weather and the kids had a great time getting wet! Here are Jacob and Alyssa playing "ring around the rosies" in the pool.

Ephraim had a great time just splashing around... and getting in and out of the pool (while dumping out half the water!).

Jacob and Alyssa are very creative when they play together, and I think they are so cute! I think here they are "putting out a fire" with the watering cans.

They were also practicing their water skills. They were blowing bubbles in the water, laying down in it, and kicking with their feet.

Don't you just love how Jacob and Alyssa have their eyes shut tight while they splash with their feet? After all, you don't want water in your eyes!
Then Jacob told Alyssa to lay down so he could wash her hair. Isn't that hilarious?

Ephraim was having a fun time playing in the water too.

He was evening having a great time out of the water. I didn't really mind him playing in the water on the porch, except for when I caught him with his lips down in the water! Yuck!

Silly boy!
We had a great time playing with the Smiths. I love that Jacob and Alyssa are such good friends. They are so cute together and have so much fun.

What a pair of cuties!

The pool kept many small people happy when it was "too hot" to want to do anything else. Now the swimsuits are washed and the pool is all rolled up.
It's a bit sad that summer is almost done, but now we get to look forward to playing outside... even in the middle of the day!
Playing in the park, riding bikes around the neighborhood, digging in the sandbox, running around the yard, taking walks ... the possibilities are endless.
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