Saturday, August 15, 2009

What Did You Do Today?

It was a busy day at the Devereaux household.

First we got up and I made eggs, toast and sausage for breakfast. It was all rainy outside, so we decided to have a warm breakfast. Then we got everyone dressed for the day and went and did a little shopping.

When we got home from the store we unloaded our purchases. Then Joe and I picked, sliced, peeled and canned 14 quarts of peaches. While we were working on the peaches, I also made a raspberry peach cobbler. We were glad for the cooler weather so we didn't heat up the house. Just before finishing the peaches it was lunchtime.

After lunch Joe gave the boys haircuts. Then when Ephraim went down for his nap I went on a two hour bike ride up to the top of Suncrest. It was a nice ride because the sun had come out, but it wasn't too warm. When I got home it was Joe's turn to go for a ride.

While Joe was out riding I went for a walk with the boys. We were going on a "bug hunt" with Jacob's butterfly net and bug jar. Of course we were looking for bugs so we didn't really find any, except for a silly pill bug.

When Joe got home we had dinner and then cleaned up in the kitchen a bit. Then we had our yummy cobbler before sending the boys off to bed. Whew! What a day!

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