Monday, December 20, 2010

Drive to Tucson

When we drive to Tucson for our Christmas vacation, we typically drive from before the sun comes up until after it sets. This year was no different. We left our house around 3 a.m. We just put the boys in the car in their jammies and hit the road.

As usual, the worst part of our drive was getting out of Utah county. It was just starting to snow as we left- big, wet, mushy flakes. The driving is also more difficult because of all the nasty construction, which makes it hard to see where exactly you are supposed to be driving!

Lucky for me, Joe drove first. Once we got out of Utah County the snow stopped and we mostly had rain. It was a rainy drive nearly the entire day.

We stopped for breakfast in St. George and changed the boys into their clothes. They did a great job of sleeping in the car while it was dark. They both also ended up taking naps during the day, which made the drive more tolerable for everyone. Though I don't know how comfortable this looks to me!

It was also really helpful that just before our vacation we found a great deal on a dual screen portable DVD player for the van. So the boys got to watch a couple of movies too, which helped them enjoy the drive more. It was also helpful for Mommy and Daddy's sanity.

We stopped in Kingman, AZ for lunch and kept on driving. We had to stop in Phoenix to get gas and let the boys use the bathroom. Traffic there slowed us down a bit, so by the time we got to Tucson it was sometime around 6 p.m. We could see the moon coming up as we drove into town.

It was nice to get to Tucson in time for dinner and give the boys some time to decompress before it was bedtime. We got their stuff unloaded and got the boys in bed. Then Joe and I headed to his Grandpa Sabey's house to sleep. What a LONG day! I have to admit that driving that far while being 6 months pregnant was a bit hard on me and I was exhausted by the time we went to bed... but I am sure the boys and Joe were really tired too!

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