Sunday, December 12, 2010

Breakfast with Santa

We got home from our trip to Wyoming on Monday afternoon. Then on Tuesday and Wednesday I taught preschool at my house. Tuesday we started the alphabet over again with the letter A. We made the cutest paper plate angels! I need to take my own picture of the one Jacob colored, but here is what I patterned them after:
I was pleased when mine turned out just like this, especially since I am not that great at drawing. I guess as long as I have a pattern it will turn out just fine.

Wednesday we did the letter B and made Christmas bells. I used a small Dixie cup for the bell body and attached a jingle bell with a pipe cleaner. Then the kids could use them as ornaments for their tree.

Needless to say that with everything going on and my body busy making a baby, by Thursday I was toast. Good thing we didn't really have anything else to do until our ward Christmas party. We had a Breakfast and Service with Santa that Joe helped out with. It turned out pretty well, and I got some cute pictures of the boys with Santa.

Jacob was cute. He was not shy at all and sat right on Santa's lap and talked to him.

Ephraim really liked Santa. I think he ended up sitting on his lap a total of three times! What a silly boy!

Then the boys got to help sand wooden cars for kids in need, while the adults worked on that and other service projects. It was a really nice ward party.

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