Sunday, September 19, 2010

Wonder Woman Weekend

This weekend my mom came to visit and participate in the Wonder Woman Ride. I had originally planned to ride with her, but I had not really put in enough time on my bike and didn't feel it was worth is to pay to only go 35 miles or so. But I was happy to cheer my mom and her friend on.

Just before Grandma got here Ephraim had a big bonk. He fell off the neighbors trampoline and landed on his head on the concrete! Talk about scary. Luckily he didn't get a concussion or a big goose-egg, just some nasty scrapes. It seems the neighbor's nine year old daughter was kind enough to help him get on the trampoline and then he got bumped off while jumping with the bigger kids. This is one of the reasons why we don't have a trampoline! The new rule is that Ephraim can't jump without an adult present. Just check out his huge scrapes.

Saturday my mom and her friend Debra drove to Payson and participated in the ride. While she was gone Joe and I took turns riding our bikes. We both rode to the Provo boat harbor and back, which is around 28 miles.

Later in the afternoon when the ride was finished, we all went shopping. I had heard about a small marketplace in Lindon called Fallow Field Farm. They had many different vendors selling everything from quilts, jewelry, sweets, soap and so much more. We had a fun time looking around at all the fun creations and Mom and I both got a little necklace charm.

After that we went shopping for my birthday. We went shoe shopping in the Mall and Joe and I both found some nice Merrells. Then we did some other shopping. It was fun to have Grandma come and visit for a while. The boys always enjoy spending time with her, even if we usually do end up shopping!

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