Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Bugs, Boys and Fruit: Week in Photos

Not too much happened when we got back from our trip. We mostly spent the week relaxing and getting back to our everyday life. So here is a photographic overview of our week.

September 4
Choo- Choo! Thomas and Friends make bath time for dirty boys more fun.

September 5
Joe recently got a new job and got to get a smart phone for work. Now he can get his email, surf the web, and do all kinds of other things with his phone (like play games!). I don't really mind because his employer will be paying part of our phone bill. I also get send texts now, which is pretty fun.

September 6

Happy Labor Day! I spent the day canning some delicious salsa. I tried a new recipe and really like how this salsa turned out. It has a nice flavor and some heat too! Now if only I wasn't out of corn chips!

September 7
If you ever wonder what raising boys is like, it looks a lot like this. Today I was in the living room with the boys, playing camera tag. They were trying to run away from me while I was trying to take pictures of them. It was pretty hilarious.

September 8
The plums are just about ready to fall off our tree! I guess I will be making some plum jam this weekend. Yummy!

1 comment:

  1. Delicious salsa is an understatement. Thank you for sharing with me!! (And, no, I did not share with my family)
