Last year when we tried to go to the zoo with Grandma Devereaux it rained buckets on us! This year we decided to go the Friday after they arrived, and the weather was perfect. Jacob was pretty excited to get to go see all the animals.
We took two strollers, so Grandma and I both had someone to push around. It was nice! Here are the boys at the entrance.

The first thing that we had to stop and check out was the big ball/globe right after the entrance. Jacob and Ephraim both loved putting their hands in the cool water and touching the ball.

I have a couple of cool pictures of the ball where you can even see me and Grandma Devereaux reflected in the water. It was pretty fun.
We had a great time at the zoo.
We got to go to the bird show and have all kinds of birds fly over our heads. It was pretty fun. I took a really nice bald eagle picture that I will probably put up on the fourth of july. :o)
The boys enjoyed watching the animals. Jacob wanted to see the monkeys, and I got him to pose with the big gorilla.
We also enjoyed the elephants, zebras, and giraffes. We stopped in the middle of our trip and had a nice little picnic lunch that we brought with us. Then we had to go on the carousel, of course!
Jacob was a lucky boy. We had an extra ticket, so he got to go on the carousel twice. The first time he wanted to ride a zebra and I put Ephraim on the giraffe. Then for Jacob's second ride he chose a tiger. They both loved the carousel!

Ride 'em Ephraim!

There's my tiger!
I also got a pretty cute picture of the boys on the tiger statues. I had my long lens on so I was standing pretty far away, but the picture turned out nice. Aren't they cuties?
I tried to get both of the boys by the big elephant statue, but Jacob didn't want to go near there! Of course Ephraim has absolutely no fear, so we had him sit on the elephant. We did have to wait our turn because this noise-making, water-squirting guy is pretty popular!
I shouldn't imply that Jacob is not brave because he didn't want to get up close with the elephant statue. After all, he did put his head in the lion's mouth!
At the end of the zoo trip we took a ride on the train, which Jacob loved. He actually didn't want to get off!
Then we went and played at the playground at the zoo before going home. Both of the boys had a great time on the play equipment...

at least until Ephraim completely blew out his diaper. I had to go change him and leave his shorts off because they were yucky too. Then just as we were leaving the play area Jacob tripped and took a header towards a bench. It scared me something awful! Luckily he only got a bruise and a scrape on his face.
We all had fun at the zoo. Both of the boys were so exhausted that they fell asleep in the car on the way home. We let them sleep for a little bit in the car in the garage because they were so tired and we didn't want to wake them up!
I'm so glad you all had a good time. It would be fun to be able to come down for a whole myself and go to the zoo and do lots of other fun things.