Friday, April 22, 2011

Life in pictures

April 16

Amelia has been losing her hair, if you can't tell. It happens to all my babies. Then they grow blonde hair. We'll see what happens with Amelia.

Jacob and Amelia were having a bonding moment. They were sitting together, having a chat. Here is a picture of Jacob. He loves Amelia and is a good big brother.

Jacob insisted that I take a picture of Amelia's binky. So here is one of them. They are like the Smoothies that Ephraim had, but with a better shape to them. They have a cut out for the nose so it isn't just a huge circle.

April 18

Here is Amelia downstairs taking a snooze in one of her bouncy chairs.

April 20

Miss Amelia Sock Hands. As you can see, we have started to put socks on Amelia's hands because otherwise she scratches her face all up! Then she gets mad about it. Silly girl!

April 21

Here is a picture that I took of Amelia taking a nap on Mommy and Daddy's bed. Ephraim apparently wanted to share his Zuzu pet with her, so he put it on top of her. How funny is that?


  1. Her little sock hands are the cutest!

  2. That hamster is awesome! I love how much your boys are already including her in their fun!
