Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter Weekend

Easter was pretty low-key this year. I didn't really manage to get much Easter shopping done. But I suppose the boys won't really remember it too much when they are older anyway.

Saturday was another cold and yucky day. Frankly we are getting a bit sick of them. It is hard to find things to keep the boys entertained, but luckily we found this box to keep them amused.

I left Amelia under this toy and came back to find her surrounded by caution cones. At least the boys know they need to be careful around her, right?

I guess this is a good thing because they have been running around the house like a bunch of crazies. I guess the cold weather will do that to you!

Here is a close up of her face.

Jacob wanted to show Amelia his computer. How funny is that?

Here is a picture of Amelia on Easter Sunday. She was wearing a sweater, and isn't she sweet?

We did manage to have an Easter egg hunt on Sunday afternoon. Here are the boys finding the eggs that the Easter bunny left.

Jacob was sharing an egg with Ephraim. Isn't that nice?

The Easter bunny must be tall. He even managed to hide some eggs in the trees!

Ephraim and Jacob both had a good time looking for eggs.

And they sure enjoyed the chocolates!


  1. I love the caution cones around Ameilia, that's pretty cute. Her big brother are trying to take care of her already.

  2. You had a baby six weeks ago...I think getting anything done is amazing! It looks like they had a GREAT time!
