Saturday, November 21, 2009

Ephraim sings "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star"

A few nights ago I was taking a diaper to the trash with Ephraim. It wasn't too late, but it was already pitch black outside. So we took a minute to look at the stars.

I said, "Look, Ephraim! Stars!"
Ephraim said, "tar!"
"That's right," I told him, "they are twinkle stars!"

At which point he started to say, "Ginkle, ginkle gingle tar" Then he lifted his arms over his head and said something like: "uubba budda baba eye.... ginkle, ginkle ginkle tar"

It took me a second, but then I realized he was trying to sing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" to me! It was so cute and I just wanted to eat up my precious little boy! So then we sang it together and shared a fun little moment.

Ever since then I have wanted to get him singing this on camera... with varying degrees of luck. He knows what I want, so he's not going to do it!

Here is one of my first attempts. You can see him doing the actions, but there is not a lot of singing going on!

I finally caught him singing it to himself in the tub. See if you can hear it too!

Jacob helped a little bit there at the end, in case you couldn't tell.


  1. That is so cute! He is really getting good at talking and singing!

  2. That video of him in the tub is the cutest stinking thing!
