I was so excited about the pictures I had taken, I had a hard time getting to sleep! All the snow that fell overnight made for a fun, frosty morning.

The boys had a great time playing in the snow. They were all excited to help daddy shovel, but that didn't last too long! So we got out the sandbox toys for the boys to play with while Joe and I shoveled the driveway.

I thought the boys would have fun with their shovels, but they actually enjoyed the tractors and construction equipment the most.

I had a great time watching the boys play. It was so cute because Ephraim wanted to do exactly what his older brother was doing. So he would watch Jacob carefully, and then do what he was doing.

See how Ephraim is watching Jacob with the tractor? Then check out the picture below.

Do as I'm doing! It was really cute to watch them playing together. They would even trade tractors every once in a while. The boys had a great time in all the snow.

They even managed to help Mommy and Daddy a little bit. Of course, Ephraim wants to use the biggest shovel he can find!

The boys also loved climbing up the mountains of snow. here they are on top of our biggest snow pile.

The snow pile isn't as big as it has been in years past, but the boys still had a blast.

I even had Joe take a picture of me with the boys, since I am usually behind the camera all the time.

Then this morning before church I had to take the boys out in their Sunday clothes to get a picture. Aren't they cute?

Wow! It looks like you have had lots of fun in the snow!