It was pretty funny to watch the kids try to work together to make the dragon move. Sometimes the head and body of the dragon did not quite go the same way!
Of course while we were there we also let the kids just play for a while. Jacob and Ephraim both really like to play with Ty's vacuum. I find that pretty funny because at home they like to run away screaming from mommy when she is vacuuming.

Jacob and Alyssa were being pretty silly that evening. They kept wanting me to take their pictures so they could look at them. So I told them to make a silly face. Here is Alyssa's silly face:

Pretty silly, huh? What really cracked me up was Jacob's silly face.

We had a great time at the Smiths house. It was fun to celebrate Chinese New Year at their house and let our kids expend some excess energy.
Thanks for hangin' out with us!