The week before Thanksgiving I realized that it had been a while since I took some fun pictures of the boys playing. So I got out the camera and we had a great time. Jacob is so great for me now. He just looks at the camera and smiles!

Ephraim is starting to figure this camera thing out. He will look at me for about .2 seconds while he says "Cheese!" exuberantly. What a cutie!
This particular day Ephraim was playing with Thomas the Tank Engine. He just loves "Momas" and excitedly says his name every time we see a toy or book with Thomas in it.

Of course since Ephraim posed with Thomas, Jacob wanted to do it too. So who am I to argue?

As I got busy doing other things, I happened to glance out of the corner of my eye just in time to see Ephraim whack Jacob on the top of the head with a toy. Of course I made Ephraim apologize and tell Jacob he is sorry. Ephraim usually feels pretty bad about making Jacob sad, so he gives him a hug. Cute, huh?

Later as I was trying to get my hair done, the boys were being especially contentious, and it seemed like every other minute someone was upset about something. So I brought Ephraim into the bathroom and set him up on the counter with me.
Of course he found the most fun spot in the bathroom... and I just had to grab my camera again!

Ephraim was making the best faces at himself in the mirror. He was also having a great time making faces at Mommy and Jacob.

Jacob wanted me to put him in the sink too, but I assured him that he definitely wouldn't fit!

Isn't it great how kids can drive you crazy one minute, and then totally make you laugh the next. You've got to love it, right?
LMAO! All of my girls have also loved to sit in the sink. And, beautiful picture of handsome Jacob.