Over our Thanksgiving break we spent a lot of time together as a family. We did some shopping after the Black Friday crowds had died down, and even managed to get our Christmas decorations set up!
Joe got the lights hung up on the outside of the house, and they look great! We also got the Christmas tree out of it's box in the garage.
Jacob wanted to get the tree up and decorated all in one day, but Mommy and Daddy were moving a bit more slowly than that! We put the tree up Friday, and then decorated it Saturday and Sunday.
The boys LOVED the tree. They love the lights and had a blast putting ornaments on the tree! Saturday we mostly just put on the shatterproof ball ornaments that we bought at the end of last year (in anticipation of this year!)

I even got the boys to hold hands and stand in front of the tree for me. I think it's so cute, even though they probably won't think it's that cute... especially when they are teenagers!

The boys were really helpful decorating the tree. I won't say their ornament placement was really great, but I'm sure they'll get better at that. Besides, they don't really care if mommy rearranges all the ornaments when they aren't looking, right?

So far Ephraim has done really well at not touching the ornaments. I was half expecting to find ornaments scattered all over the floor, but they really have been minimal.

Jacob was a great helper! He helped Daddy put the star on the tree, and even helped me put some of the ornaments up high!

I think our Christmas tree looks great so far, don't you? In this picture there are quite a few ornaments that haven't made it to the tree yet!

Christmas with the boys this year is going to be so much fun! They are so excited about everything! The best part is that their joy and excitement is contagious!
Your tree looks beautiful. And, I think shatterproof ornaments are the best ever invention for families with kids!