I seems another tradition is that it snows every time weekend we schedule the party. On our way to Logan it started to snow, and it snowed the entire time we were there. Our trip over Sardine Canyon was yucky both ways, but Joe did a great job driving and we made it safely. It was worth the yucky drive to spend some time with my family.
After hanging out together for a little while, we all shared a meal. Thanks to my Dad, the master turkey carver, we probably got every bit of meat off that turkey!

The only place large enough for us all to sit together was the garage. With all those bodies, a few heaters, and a bunch of hyper kids we heated it up quickly enough! After a meal together we got down to the anticipated gift exchange.
So we all gathered around in a circle. Ephraim found the perfect seat:

The highlight of the day for me was watching Jacob. For months now he has been telling us that he wants a Buzz Lightyear for Christmas. You know, the 12 inch tall one that talks and has pop-out wings? We weren't really sure if he would play with a present like that for very long, but he was determined that this is what he was going to ask Santa for.
Some other people heard about how much he likes Buzz, and this is one of the first presents that Jacob opened:

A little Buzz Lightyear! Jacob could not have been more excited! Especially since Buzz is poseable and the wings pop out!
As soon as we got it out of the packaging Jacob was flying Buzz around the room. It was so cute! Jacob wasn't the only one who got a Buzz.
Ephraim was pretty excited about his soft Buzz too. Here he is showing Daddy how Buzz flies "to infinity and beyond!".
We had a great time opening presents. It was fun to take turns and watch everyone open their gifts. I was glad that everyone really liked what I made for them:
Every time I looked over at Jacob, guess what he was doing?
Yep. Playing with Buzz.
Ephraim has the whole opening presents thing figured out this year. He couldn't wait to get the wrapping paper off and see what was inside.
The boys both got their own water bottles, which will be really nice for when we travel.
Hmm... what's Jacob up to? There he is:

Jacob did take a break from playing with Buzz once in a while to open some presents.
The boys were both excited that they also got Buzz Lightyear pajamas! They are so cute and snuggly and warm.
So we all gathered around in a circle. Ephraim found the perfect seat:

The highlight of the day for me was watching Jacob. For months now he has been telling us that he wants a Buzz Lightyear for Christmas. You know, the 12 inch tall one that talks and has pop-out wings? We weren't really sure if he would play with a present like that for very long, but he was determined that this is what he was going to ask Santa for.
Some other people heard about how much he likes Buzz, and this is one of the first presents that Jacob opened:

A little Buzz Lightyear! Jacob could not have been more excited! Especially since Buzz is poseable and the wings pop out!

Ephraim has the whole opening presents thing figured out this year. He couldn't wait to get the wrapping paper off and see what was inside.

Hmm... what's Jacob up to? There he is:

Jacob did take a break from playing with Buzz once in a while to open some presents.

Of course the boys got a few other toys. Here is Ephraim unwrapping a little dump truck (Jacob got a steamroller).

And where is Jacob? Oh, just Buzzing around the party.

It was so fun to see all my family again. We had a great trip and two happy little boys.

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